Gravity Roller Conveyors – simple solutions to everyday problems
Gravity roller conveyors (also known as non-driven roller conveyors) are one of the most simple materials handling solutions that a factory or warehouse operation can adopt. Gravity conveyors can perform many functions, but in general, they provide a robust and cost-effective means to transport heavy or bulky product around an operation. One of the main aims of conveyor systems, is to remove non-value adding activities from operators. Gravity conveyors still help to achieve some of that aim, however, if the conveyor is not declined (i.e. uses gravity to move the product along the conveyor), operators are required to push the product along. Therefore, gravity conveyors in most cases do not remove as much non-value adding activity from operators, but due to their relative low cost compared to powered conveyor systems, they still present a very attractive return on investment.
Some examples of applications for using gravity conveyors are below.
- Machine infeed or outfeed conveyors. Gravity conveyors or non-driven conveyors can be used at the infeed or outfeed of process machines, providing a cost effective means of buffering product next to a machine.
- Buffering of product between two manufacturing or assembly tasks. If two manufacturing or assembly tasks operator at slightly different cycle times, gravity conveyors can be used as a buffer between the processes.
- Storage of product. If heavy or bulky product needs to be stored for short periods of time, gravity conveyor can provide an excellent means of storage, but will still allow an operator to move the product when needed.
- Accumulation of product. Gravity conveyor can be used to provide an excellent means of accumulation at the end of a powered conveyor line. Using gravity conveyor keeps the system more cost effective, but still allows the accumulation functionality in the system.
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